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Every animal – just like us humans – has a right to life, survival and protection; and every being wants to live a life of peace and freedom, devoid of fear. But every year, approximately 200,000 cattle are slaughtered for meat in Sri Lanka alone. This, most sadly, includes cows that are pregnant. I will leave it to your imagination the trauma that every single animal taken to a slaughter house experiences, and the energy that gets absorbed into the blood and meat of a being thus tortured and killed. 


With compassion towards these loving beings who uncomplainingly give of themselves for our wellbeing, whether it be with their milk or their labour, we are carrying out a small-scale initiative to rescue cows with the support of family and friends. It started in 2012, with a cow we rescued and gifted to a group of children growing up in a child care home. They were thrilled to receive a friend, companion and pet to look after and play with! Since then, we have been rescuing at least 2 cows every year – usually a pregnant cow or a cow and her calf – whom we then hand over to milk farmers. This way, we provide a livelihood and sustenance to a family while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of an amimal. We also make sure to monitor them periodically, to make sure that they are not sold back to the butchers.  


In 2021, we rescued 10 cows including 4 pregnant cows. Thus far, we have saved the lives of 29 cows. 


This initiative is currently run in the Matara District where my other social service projects are also being carried out. The cows are normally rescued during the month of September, or the last quarter of the year. 


If you are interested in giving these loving animals another chance at life, and a chance to breath without fear, please contact me, Chathuri Jayasooriya, at

Here are some heart-warming photos of all the cows we have saved since 2014. You can hover over the photos for the descriptions or click on the photo for the slideshow.

A Little Prayer for Humanity

Her heart weeps, it beats and it bleeds

Leashed to a life that flickers

And staggers between terror and hope

Every breath a prayer 

For a merciful End…


She’s restless, she’s still

She shivers, she sighs

She resists, she submits

She plays, she feeds, she kicks and she runs

One last attempt at freeing her dear life…


Ever so slowly

She raises her downcast eyes

Her quiet gaze falls upon mine

Her big brown eyes delves deep into my soul

Tugging gently at my heartstrings

“Doesn’t this life belong to me?”

“Don’t I deserve to be free?”


My heart weeps, it bleeds and it prays

For a world that knows only love, compassion and peace

Cares for all beings and sets them free

A New Earth we each create

Where Humankind lives up to their true identity


Her heart beats, it loves and it heals...

+94-766-252-569    |

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