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Inner Child Matrix

Inner Child Matrix (ICM)

Childhood Adversity

What is ICM?


Inner Child Matrix (ICM) is a trauma-informed therapeutic modality, that uses Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping as a basis. 


Subconscious programmes run 95%-98% of your daily behaviour, activities and habits. Many of these negative programmes were imprinted in the first 6 years of your life based on 

trauma, misperceptions and observing those around you. These programmes are based on images of these past events, held in your local fields and regarded subconsciously as current events. Eventually when these negative programmes cause enough stress, the body will try to adapt at a chemical, hormonal, cellular and DNA level. When this happens you will develop a physical or psychological dis-ease [1].


Inner Child Matrix changes these images. In ICM, we work with the energetic representations of our past versions or 'selves', which carry the memories, emotions ('energy in motion') and beliefs that impact our present reality and experiences. This includes the wounds and traumas that affect all aspects of our lives including health, relationships, career, abundance, spirituality and vitality, preventing us from reaching our full potential and becoming the best versions of our selves. This deep inner healing work is done in the 'matrix', which is a field of unconditional love and pure potential, where we freely interact with all forms of energies that may arise in our consciousness, i.e., living or non-living beings in form or formless states, as well as animate and inanimate objects, whether they be our loved ones, spirit guides, God/Goddess, higher self, animal spirits, nature, symbols or anything else that bring us wisdom, healing and transformation. 

Are you listening to your inner child?

What Are the Benefits of ICM?


  • Relieve stress and promote general relaxation

  • Easy to use and is a very gentle approach

  • Quickly finds core issues

  • Locates pre-conscious trauma (pre-6 years)

  • Locates psychological reversal and secondary gain 

  • Allows client-driven reframes and cognitive shifts 

  • Creates positive beliefs

  • Effective with clients experiencing dissociation

  • Allows forgiveness and wisdom to be gained

  • Sends a message to the body that the trauma is over

  • Resources the client and rewrites the past

  • Powerfully utilises the law of attraction

What is Inner Child Matrix

Photo by Justin Lewis, Getty Images

Inner Child Healing

ICM with Chathuri


I provide ICM sessions as a part of an integrated therapeutic practice and transformational process, in combination with EFT other modalities as per client requirements (for more information, see my services):

  • Age groups: adolescents and adults

  • Languages: English and Sinhala

  • Time Zone: Indian Standard Time (IST) 


Contact me via email or WhatsApp if you are interested in transforming your life with EFT, and would like to schedule a FREE 60-minute consultation call with me. 


I am a certified EFT practitioner (and ICM Practitioner in training), trained by international trainer and speaker Dr. Rangana Rupavi Chaudhuri (PhD) at Vitality Living College.

[1] Extracted from content written by Dr. Rangana Rupavi Chaudhuri (PhD) at Vitality Living College. 

Cover photo: "Love", by Alexander Milov, wire frames and LED lights, Made in 2015 for the Burning Man Festival, Nevada, USA, © Alexander Milov.

Inner Child Matrix

What I Offer


In my psycho-spiritual work, I combine Tarot with Oracle cards, a modern version of cartomancy, for greater insight and validation. 


I currently offer 2 types of services based on card readings:

Tarot Readings: These are readings for providing guidance regarding any aspect, relationship or situation in your life. These can be done for both individuals and couples and are one-off readings (i.e. reading is completed in one session). 

Tarot for Transformation: These are psycho-spiritual coaching/counselling sessions where Tarot is used as a tool for accessing information at conscious and unconscious levels, along with other tools where required, for deep inner healing and transformation. Therapeutic in nature, these require several sessions depending on the nature of the requirement and the goal that will be determined during the preliminary session. These sessions are more interactive and require the active participation of the client, and involve reflective exercises and integrative practices between sessions. Hence this method is recommended for those who feel the need for and can commit to a serious process of self-exploration and transformation. This method can be used for individuals, couples and groups, however, currently I am taking only individual clients. 

Price: USD 30 (international) / LKR 3,000 (local) per hour per person​


Yee Thong (Malasia)

Thanks to Chathuri for all the 4 amazing sessions!


Firstly, as a therapist, Chathuri did not have any agenda and let me (as a client) led the way. Initially, I did not have clarity as to what I wish to work on. We finally landed on something deeply personal and private on sexual identity and orientation. I have not explored nor addressed this topic in my entire life. This says a lot about Chathuri’s ability in creating a safe space for her clients (me included) to be truly authentic and open in one’s exploration. 


Secondly, Chathuri remained grounded throughout the sessions. I recalled I initially stated that I have doubts with EFT (one of the modalities used) as I have tried it before but it did not work for me. Chathuri stayed present with me and let the work unfold itself. I must say I have a very different perception and impression as to what EFT and its benefit now - after the work I have done with Chathuri.


Thirdly, the entire re-birthing exercise was pretty profound for me. I have done the sessions in the middle of a period where I have had experienced what I believe to be intergenerational trauma vis-à-vis my grandmother. The entire process guided by Chathuri brought me back to rekindling and rewiring my relationships with both my grandmother and mother.


Fourthly, Chathuri’s genuine care in-between sessions, is very much appreciated. Whilst many things can emerge during the session, there can be more things that might come up post sessions. Chathuri constantly check-in with me e.g. there were moments I felt extremely exhausted after the session, only to realize I forgot to cleanse myself with sea salt, of which Chathuri reminded me.


For anyone who wants to do deep work, I highly recommend Chathuri.

+94-766-252-569    |

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