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Light Language

What is Light Language? 


Light Language is a sacred ‘language’ which uses Sacred Geometry and coloured light to create clear messages. It can be considered a divine form of communication with Spirit using the medium of light, through which intentions can be manifested on the physical plane. Although there are evolving and disparate discourses on colour and Sacred Geometry, Light Language remains to be the only structured method that teaches how to communicate with these powerful elements of light. While enabling us to manifest our desires to live a more fulfilling life aligned with our soul purpose and higher consciousness, Light Language teaches us to create our own reality, respecting the laws of the universe. 


Light Language hails from the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations, and was passed down a long lineage of Curanderos (Master Healers) in Mexico. It has been made accessible to the rest of the world only in the last few decades, as our consciousness is ascending through the chakras in our spiritual evolution towards the ‘Light Age’ on ‘New Earth’, enabling us to integrate and use this wisdom in our lives for the highest good of all as well as planet earth. 


According to the Curanderos, there are five speeds above the speed of light, at which our thoughts are created, and these are the speeds at which Light Language is formed. The purpose of using Light Language is to have an in-depth understanding of how thought and concept effect our reality. The very building blocks of our reality are the energies of light and the form that we give them. Unlike our conventional languages which are quite limiting, Light Language stays true to its form and can do only good, as it is of the highest vibration.

Light Language Grids


A Light Language Grid is a conglomeration of shapes and colours that is created by a Light Language practitioner, according to the needs of the person for whom the grid is intended. The grid, once activated, is anchored withing the person’s aura, carrying the intention that s/he wishes to manifest. Grids can be created not only for humans but also for animals, trees, objects and places. 


The vast number of combinations among the myriad shapes and colours makes Light Language a magical and versatile tool that can bring healing and transformation to any aspect and situation of your life. The grids can help you heal physically and emotionally, release limiting beliefs and patterns, attract abundance, improve relationships, connect with your soul mission, heal ancestral trauma, remove blocks and metaphysical harms, bring love, joy and peace to a country or a situation, and much more. 


While Light Language will not transform your life in a day, its scope is limitless and its power only to be experienced. However, like with any other healing modality, Light Language also necessitates you to co-create, with your intentions and efforts, and take responsibility for your life and especially for your thoughts. Light Language is guaranteed to give you that extra ‘push’ and clear the path for you to thrive in life.


If you would like to experience the magic of Light Language, there are three different types of grids that can help you:

7-shape grids (basic) 

These are grids of seven frequencies, that are set in accordance with your seven chackras, i.e. Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra. Once activated, these grids remain active for 17 months (unless changed prior to that), initiating various changes in different aspects of your life and in your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. 7-shape grids can be done for pets, objects and places as well, including your house, work space, phone, bank account, website, etc.

49 Grid - self-esteem

49-shape grids (intermediary)


These are grids that will help you with specific short-to-medium-term goals in any aspect of your life, such as finding a new job, friends or love, improving self-worth and confidence, strengthening intuition, increasing organizational profit, attracting new clients, improving relationship with colleagues, buying a new house, land or car, travelling to new destinations, starting or completing projects, etc. The possibilities are limitless! These grids remain active for the time period we define.

144-shape grids (advanced)

Also known as ‘lifetime grids’, these grids direct light to the root of the matter and continue to affect energy at all levels of a subject till it is fully healed and manifested in your reality. These powerful grids will help you achieve long-term life goals such as discovering and aligning with your life purpose, and for healing chronic diseases and cancers.

I can help you decide which type of grid(s) you need upon evaluating your needs.


Please note that presently I offer only 7-shape and 49-shape grids. 


  • 7-shape grid – USD 25.

  • 49-shape grid – USD 50. With each grid, you receive a FREE 49-shape service grid for a higher cause of your choice that serves your community, any type of collective, the world at large or mother earth. With each additional grid you purchase (after the first one), you will also receive a FREE 7-shape grid of your choice from among 50+ grids shared by the Mayans.


Please note:

  • A 30-minute consultation on Skype is required in order for me to obtain the relevant information to create the grid(s) for you. The appointment will be scheduled once you contact me with your request. 

  • You will receive your grid(s) via email once the payment is made upon the completion of the grid(s). You will be informed on email once they are ready. 

  • It is recommended that you get a 7-shape grid as well when getting a 49-shape grid for the first time, as it will help anchor your energies, especially if you need to get more grids done (at any point of time). 

  • Grids can be made as a gift, however, please be aware that the person you are gifting the gird(s) need to give permission for the creation of the grids, and need to participate in the consultation process, unless it is for a child or an incapacitated person. 

  • Light Language grids are always done for the highest good of all, which needs to be kept in mind when forming the intent for both personal and collective grids. 


Contact me for further information.

+94-766-252-569    |

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