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Following the Divine Breadcrumbs

Updated: Apr 17, 2022

(Image: Woot & Hammy)

Have you ever thought or dreamt of someone you have not communicated with for a long time, and that person texts or calls you at that very moment? Were you ever thinking of how to find a particular product or service, when all of a sudden you receive a pamphlet or see an advert online, for exactly what you needed? Have you ever missed a deadline to hand over an important assignment at school or work, but then learn that an extension has been given by your teacher or supervisor, because of an emergency he/she had to attend to? Have you ever run out of money for something important, when you receive the exact amount you needed as a birthday gift? Or, do you see recurring numbers, words, images, or even bird feathers falling at your feet wherever you go? If you have experienced anything similar, you have likely collided with ‘synchronicity’, also referred to as ‘serendipity’ (a much more luscious word I feel), an interesting phenomenon that I am sure we have all experienced at least once in our lifetime.

Synchronicity (German: Synchronizität) is a concept first introduced by the Swiss psychoanalyst Carl G Jung in the 1920s "to describe circumstances that appear meaningfully related yet lack a causal connection." In contemporary research, synchronicity experiences refer to a person's subjective experience that coincidences between events in their mind and the outside world may be causally unrelated to each other yet have some other unknown connection ( Some people and find spiritual meaning in these synchronistic events, and believe these to be ‘signs’ from the divine, or cosmos. For those of you who believe in guardian angels, this could all be their work to assist you. However, scientists still seem to be quite skeptical and are hesitant to consider such incidents as anything beyond coincidences that only seem meaningful due to aspects of human thinking such as ‘confirmation bias’: humans seek out information to support their ideas and ignore information that challenges them (

Deepak Chopra, a renowned Indian-American author and alternative medicine advocate, coined the word ‘synchrodestiny’, which I feel presents one of the most profound understandings of the concept of synchronicity. The Sygnus Book Club gives the following summary of his book Synchrodestiny (first published in 2003), which I quote here as it beautifully captures the essence and ethos of the concept:

In Synchrodestiny, Deepak Chopra teaches us to see coincidences as messages about the miraculous potential of each moment. He reveals how, through understanding the forces that shape coincidences, you can learn to live at a deeper level and access the flow of synchronicity that lies at the heart of existence. He writes about `the seven principles of synchrodestiny' and gives you practical techniques for applying those principles in your everyday life. As you learn to recognise the meaning and pattern behind the things that happen to you, apparently by chance, you will become aware of yourself as a part of the divine flow of existence. In this state of expanded self-awareness, you will experience your environment as always positive, always helping you in a synchronistic way to unfold your highest good. In fact you will know, then, that you inhabit a world in which miracles are a daily occurrence. If many people were able to move into this new state of consciousness, says Deepak Chopra, this would result in the simultaneous co-arising of events that would lead to a completely new world.... a miraculous prospect indeed.

To me, synchronicity simply shows us the connection among everything, both seen and unseen, in this unified field of energy. We as humanity have a long way to go in comprehending the mysteries of the universe. But that does not mean we cannot still experience and appreciate this mesmerizing cosmic orchestra – and sing (or dance!) along with it.

Serendipitous events are abound in my life but it did take a long journey of awakening and learning to trust, to really start appreciating these magical moments of alignment. I am always mesmerized by these synchronistic events and thoroughly enjoy them, to the extent that I am now using it as a part of a tool for healing. In fact, I believe that a lot of things that fall into the spiritual or metaphysical realms including divination tools such as tarot and pendulums have a significant connection with this incredible phenomenon. It was when I was working on the "Sun Salutation" mandala, my first Suwa Mandala for the collective, that I started to really recognize and consciously follow the sign posts of Spirit specifically for healing purposes, a process which I since then have started to refer to as ‘following the divine breadcrumbs’. Because that is exactly what it is – the divine gives you one clue after the other, which, when followed with trust, respect and an open mind, leads you to magical discoveries that have always made me gasp with wonder.

Let me share one of my latest – and one of the most dramatic – voyages, literally driving behind the ‘divine breadcrumbs’! it is a bit of a long-winded story with twists and turns, but that is what following divine signposts entails, and what makes it (and the journey of life) such an adventure!

In December 2021, I travelled with a few sisters from my spiritual tribe, to a small but magical land of forests, waterfalls and rivers, tucked away in the interior of the Sabaragamuwa Province in Sri Lanka. I can still feel the joy I felt in my heart when I saw a river after such a long time, which erupted in a gleeful cry (I actually felt my inner child dancing!), and as I dipped my feet in the cool waters carrying the warmth of the sun that sparkled through the lush trees. I felt I could spend my whole life watching the golden rivulets rippling over my feet and breathing in the freshness of the air. I spent as much time there as I could, absorbing through all my senses the divinity of Mother Gaia’s embrace… On hindsight, I believe that this burst of divine energy within me opened me up to receive the guidance of Spirit which came in the most unexpected manner during the rest of the journey.

We were driving through the lanes thereafter, looking for a particular monastery, when we took the wrong turn and drove into the heart of a thick rainforest. That would have been the best wrong turn ever, for someone who loves rainforests! Anyway, as we were driving through absorbing the majestic stillness of the ancient forest, suddenly my attention was grabbed by a big building to our right, which was still under construction. What actually drew my attention was the huge mask of the Ginidèlla Raksha (Fire Demon) – a popular mask used in cultural dances in Sri Lanka – hung over the front entrance of the building, right in the middle. In passing I wondered what kind of a place that could be, being built in the middle of a forest, but thereafter I completely forgot about this incident…. till a couple of weeks later, when Spirit decided to call my attention to it again. And this time, in no uncertain terms!

I have always been curious about crystals, and it is unavoidable that you come across crystal healing in some manner or form, if you are in the field of energy healing. However, I never owned a crystal in my life, although sometimes I would dream of certain crystals. Towards the latter part of 2021 though, I started feeling an urge to use crystals, a kind of a calling from the realm of minerals… But I had no clue where to start or how, except to connect with my crystal cave in meditation. Interestingly – and I share this specially to show the connectedness and synchronicity of everything that happens in our lives, no matter how momentary or mundane it appears to be – a conversation on crystals just popped up while I was at the above-mentioned river, together with my soul sisters. Further inspired by this exchange and a particular dream I had, I decided to pay a visit to the only crystal shop in Colombo – a shop I have passed a thousand times but never dared to step in. On the day I had scheduled this visit, I almost cancelled it due to some logistics but decided to proceed anyway. And am I not glad I did! (Note: always follow your instinct, no matter what!).

I was heading towards Colombo in one of those three wheelers (a.k.a. ‘tuks’) that Asia is famous for, when I just happened to glance towards my right, and my eyes fell on the white wagon truck next to me, which had ‘CRYSTAL STONES’ written in big, bold black letters across it! I can tell with certainty that in Sri Lanka, a vehicle (or anything really) that has ‘crystal stones’ written on it, is extremely rare. So I had no doubt whatsoever in that moment that this is Spirit ‘talking’ to me, and validating my decision to visit the crystal shop, while hinting that something important is awaiting me there. Spirit may have orchestrated this because even at that moment I was not fully convinced that I was doing the right thing; I was wavering just a little bit because of that inner skeptic who was questioning whether getting an ‘aura reading’ with AI software (which this shop offers) would actually be beneficial, whether I would be able to really afford a crystal which are known to be quite pricey here, etc. etc.

Crystal stones. (Image: - Castorly Stock)

While at the shop, which is indeed a candy shop for crystal lovers, doubts started creeping in again, which kept heightening as my waiting time kept increasing. I started getting restless as I was getting late for other work, and almost left more than once. My ego, charged with impatience, grabbed the opportunity to fuel the fire by telling me that I knew everything I needed to already about chakras, what more can I learn here?! But, something (my angels? Higher Self?) kept me waiting, and finally my turn to get my aura read came. For those of you who are not aware, this is a software based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) where you place the fingers of one hand on a ‘reading’ machine, which detects and converts your energy frequencies into a visual output, so that you can see how each of your 7 main chakras are functioning. Basically, it gives you a ‘performance report’ of your chakras so that you can identify and address the ‘deficiencies’ to reach their full potential. What my chakra report revealed would not have been the least shocking, if not for 2 remarkable factors:

  • My Third Eye Chakra (which represents intuition, wisdom, spirituality and psychic abilities) was one of the 2 highest performing chakras, which was rather unexpected. It was much later I realized that this is one of the reasons why Spirit guided me to this shop for this reading, as this was a huge confirmation that the very first 49-shape Light Language grid I did for myself, which was to strengthen my intuition, was actually working! I was asking Spirit for a validation that the grids actually work, and here it was, with unmistakable and solid proof! (Hoping to write a separate article on the blessings of Light Language, but till then, you can learn more about Light Language here).

  • On my aura, nothing could be seen from above my neck except darkness (quite ghostly, as if I were be-headed!), indicating that a negative energy, or a metaphysical harm, is affecting my Crown Chakra in particular, creating a disconnection with Spirit/Source, giving me constant headaches and depleting my energy. I will not go into detail here about these metaphysical harms as that exploration deserves a separate article, but suffice it to say here that I was open to that interpretation given by the aura reading facilitator, and it all made sense later (read on!).

I would still have been a bit skeptical about what I saw on the screen, if not for the fact that later, when certain crystal stones/beads were kept on my palm, the screen illustrated how the performance of the chakras changed immediately, which was pretty fascinating! And yes, the veil of dark energy that made my head invisible was also lifted. I guess you really do have to see (or experience firsthand) to believe sometimes… A few days later, I was further convinced, as my recurring headaches vanished and my energy levels also improved.

I also take this incident as yet another reminder that Spirit has your back, and always gives you exactly what you need in your highest good, precisely when you need it. In energy terms, energy attracts similar energy, and our thoughts, intentions, emotions and words – whether they be conscious or unconscious – are all energy.

Finally, I left the shop with a crystal bead bracelet tailor-made to increase my chakra performance. I was heading towards my next destination, when I happened to notice a van in front of me, with a sticker of a Ginidèlla Raksha (Fire Demon) mask, and I immediately recollected the mask I saw during my trip a couple of weeks back, and also the fact that I had seen a similar sticker at the back of a vehicle a few days previously as well, which I had not paid much attention to. But this third time around, I was alert, because a particular spiritual lesson in Shamanism many years ago, and my own experience had taught me to take notice of an appearance of a sign or symbol that recurs in my reality 3 times (or more) in close succession, because that usually is a ‘message’ from Spirit (or your guardian angels, who are always there to guide you). And guess what transpired next?! As I was heading home in the evening, this sign of the Fire Demon mask came in front of me 4 more times, in the form of stickers pasted at the back of three wheelers, sometimes in the midst of a sea of vehicles! It was not as I was searching for them, but it was far more ‘random’ and ‘co-incidental’. For instance, I would be dozing off and suddenly open my eyes, to see it in front of me, or would happen to glance to my right side, to see it glaring at me from the back of another three wheeler.

The mask of the Ginidèlla Raksha (Fire Demon). (Image: Sri Lanka Latent Images)

Now this image of the Fire Demon mask is not uncommon in Sri Lanka, especially on artifacts, but it is not something you would see at the back of every vehicle. Most importantly, this image is something I cannot recollect seeing (consciously) for many, many years. This is a real-life illustration of the concept that we only see what our consciousness is ready to see, without which we will not see a golden carrot even if it is dangling right in front of our eyes.

Everything always exists, manifested or as potential, physically or energetically. But we perceive it only when our consciousness allows our senses to access it. And once our consciousness opens up to a particular energy wave, it keeps attracting more of it.

That is basically how the ‘law of attraction’ works. Interesting, isn’t it?

The last time I saw the Fire Demon (for the day), it was yet again at the back of a three wheeler, which had a strange contraption on top of it that flashed coloured lights like a fire engine (which, by the way is quite extraordinary for three wheelers here)! It couldn’t have been more dramatic! And at that point I knew without an iota of a doubt that Spirit is really trying hard to grab my attention! But, why? What, after all, was the Fire Demon trying to convey to me so emphatically?

The moment I returned home, I immediately started a search online, to see what the mask of the Ginidèlla Raksha symbolized. As it turned out, it is a mask used in cultural dances in Sri Lanka, to ward of the ‘evil eye’ (a.k.a. metaphysical harms)! With that piece of information, the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place rapidly like a whole box of Christmas bulbs lighting inside my head! I recollected a couple of things I had completely forgotten:

  • In my childhood, we used to have a big mask of the Ginidèlla Raksha hung above the main entrance to our house. I don’t think I quite understood its significance as a child. Although not a common practice in the modern-day urban Sri Lanka, back in the days it used to be an indispensable exorcist and the unequivocal protector of the household.

  • In October last year (2021), I heard the word Hamsa during one of my meditations. I was aware at the time that it is a symbol popularly used specially in the Middle-East, to ward of the ‘evil eye’. However, because I could not figure out its application in my own life at the time, I discarded it as a ‘random thought’ although I had a nagging feeling that it is not (now, how many of us are guilty of that, I wonder!).

The Hamsa symbol. (Image: 123RF)

It took me a very adventurous trip to a New Age crystal shop and an aura reading by AI, to finally understand that Sprit has been trying for 2 whole months to protect me from some negative energies blocking my path. It is open to interpretation (and our belief systems) as to what this ‘negative energy’ is, whether it is an ‘entity’ latching onto me, sucking my energies (not very pleasant!), or negative thought forms in my own mind creating darkness within me (perhaps it is one and the same?), or whether these energies have all been removed or are still hovering around me, within or without. But what was clear to me as the moon on a Poya (full moon) day, was that I was being called to create a mandala to provide protection from metaphysical harms, and as I realized later during the process, to cut through the darkness of illusion, the Maya. I knew that the Fire Demon will not stop following me till I attend to it! In the middle of the night one day, I woke up knowing exactly how it should be created. You can view it in my shop, and feel free to purchase a print if you resonate with its energies.

So this is how I follow the ‘divine breadcrumbs’, a process I follow whenever called to by Spirit, when I create Suwa Mandalas, for both individuals and the collective. I invite all of you as well to use this tool to enhance your life experience on this three-dimensional space we call earth. Divine guidance is always there, just waiting for us to open ourselves to it. It is up to us to embrace it and experience the flow, depth, meaning and magic that it brings to our lives.

The Fire Demon still follows me around, peeping at me from all kinds of nooks and corners I never noticed before. But now I feel a sense of comfort whenever I see him (or her!), as I know I am being protected, and that I am being reminded to check in with the state of my mind and the illusions it creates. And I know I have the power to transcend it all and see the Light, if I continue to look through the Eye of Wisdom.

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