"Sun Salutation" mandala
In 2021, during one meditation on the COVID virus, I received a message from the divine on how to protect ourselves from the virus with the ‘sun medicine’ through a series of visions, based on which I created a Suwa Mandala titled “Sun Salutation” (it is available in my shop as a free download).
The mandala consists of a sunflower representing the Sun God, a honeybee representing all life forms on earth that draws nourishment from the sun, a hexagon, a cube (which is camouflaged within the hexagon), and the Flower of Life (a sacred geometric pattern) at the centre, which create a particular energy field in combination with the colours. This article is an elaboration of the Sacred Geometry that is found on the mandala. Sacred Geometry is an ancient science that explores the energy patterns that create and unify everything in the universe. Sacred geometric patterns exist all around us, creating the fundamental structure and templates, or the blueprint, of life in the universe. This is a vast subject matter that merits another article, but till I get to write it, I hope the following information would help you to understand the Sacred Geometry of the ‘sun medicine’.
Microscopic images of snow flakes. (Images: SnowCrystals.com)
Hexagon is arguably the most powerful and fascinating of all shapes in sacred geometry. Said to be the most dominant shape in nature, and found most commonly in beehives, snowflakes, insect eyes and marine skeletons, the hexagon symbolizes harmony, structure, and balance. It is in fact the shape of the building block of creation and the blueprint of life – DNA.
According to Sacred Geometry, the hexagon is ‘born’ through the union of the upward triangle representing the divine masculine (denoted by the sun flower in the mandala), and the downward triangle representing the divine feminine (denoted by the queen bee in the mandala), which form one of the most ancient symbols in spiritual traditions across the world known as the Star of David or Shiva Shakthi. This symbol epitomizes the perfect equilibrium of the mind and body, of spirit and matter, which creates the state of transcendence or enlightenment. On the one hand it is interpreted as symbolizing the reasoning, courage and willpower of the divine masculine ‘impregnating’ the subconscious, or the receptive element of the womb of the divine feminine, transcending the unconscious drives of the ego (Kleshas) that create desires and temptations, and the consequent attachment to the material world – once again triggering the process of awakening or enlightenment. This also denotes the power inherent in each one of us to recreate our reality through mastering our minds and our thinking, including our belief systems. On the other hand, it is said to symbolize the wisdom of the unconscious penetrating the conscious mind, enabling us to pierce through the darkness of illusion to see the light of truth. Therefore, the hexagon can be considered a space of higher consciousness that sets in motion the alchemy of enlightenment.
The Star of David. (Image: Pinterest)
In addition to the Star of David and Shiva Shakthi, the hexagon is found in the Fruit of Life born from the Flower of Life (see below), the Sefirot or the Tree of Life in Kabbalah (representing the creation of the universe) and the Hagal Rune devised by the ancient shamans of the Nordic tribes (symbolized as the portal that leads to the realms of salvation). The hexagon corresponds to the number 6, which, as a numerological aspect of this geometric shape denotes a variety of meanings including love, truth, balance, harmony, union, perfection, communication, interfacing, integration and reliability.
The hexagon within the "Sun Salutation" mandala is taken to embody the balance that is needed in particular between science and spirituality, the mainstream medical interventions and alternative healing therapies, and the reasoning mind and the intuitive heart, when making decisions on our health and wellbeing, at both the individual and collective levels. It illustrates the importance of connecting with our hearts and tapping into our inner wisdom for guidance without relying solely on external sources, allowing the truth to surface through the darkness of manipulation and indoctrination. And it conveys that increased self-awareness and consciousness empowers us to recreate a more powerful and positive reality for ourselves through a paradigm shift in our belief systems.
Interestingly, contained within the hexagon is the geometry of the cube (use your imagination and look closely at the hexagon in the "Sun Salutation" mandala, and you will see it!), a shape that restricts energy. The cube within this mandala restricts lower frequencies coming through various sources that aim to limit the power of the individual and create a collective reality that is not in our highest good.
Flower of Life. (Image: fineartamerica)
The Flower of Life is a key Sacred Geometrical shapes that is formed through a flower-like pattern, used since ancient times in many cultures and religions. The Flower of Life which symbolizes creation, connotes the connectedness among everything in the universe (through its inter-connected petals), which originates from the same source. In the "Sun Salutation" mandala, this interconnectedness is also depicted through the bee at the centre and the sun flower representing the sun, as well as through the Flower of Life on which stands the bee, drawing its nourishment. Bees pollinate a third of what we eat and play a vital role in sustaining the planet's ecosystems.Therefore, we are all dependent on the survival of the bees, and it is said that humans can survive only a few years in the event that bees become extinct. Bees, in turn are dependent on the nourishment provided by the sun.
Considered to be the basic template for everything in existence, all geometric forms can be found within the Flower of Life, including Sacred Geometrical shapes such as the Platonic Solids, Metatron’s Cube and the Merkabah. The Fruit of Life is a 13-circle configuration stemming from the Flower of Life, which takes the form of a hexagon, and is said to be a basic design of the universe that holds the geometric foundation for Metatron's Cube. It is believed that the Fruit represents the opening of a portal to the higher or ‘God’ consciousness, much like the hexagon born from the union of the Shiva Shakthi.
The Fruit of Life is the germination of consciousness emerging in the conscious mind. This is the point in your personal development when you have a platform to transform your inner wisdom into the outer world and subsequently change the way you experience life. (www.mastermindcontent.co.uk).
Metatron's Cube. (Image: Zazzle)
I hope the above information has given you further insights into the symbolism in the Suwa Mandala "Sun Salutation", and what it is conveying in terms of protecting ourselves from lower vibrational energies of any type of 'virus', whether they be physical or social, natural or constructed. I believe that what is the most important in this regard is not to give into fear, and believe in - and use - our power of self-determination, our power to create our own reality, and the natural healing powers of our minds and bodies. However, as I am sure you would have seen above, the message of the mandala (conveyed by Spirit) and its healing energies go much beyond COVID protection; the 'sun medicine' offers us deeper healing to our soul, if we are willing to engage with its powers for our inner work towards self-transformation.