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This Suwa Mandala was done for a client who was battling with overwhelming emotions as her second marriage was falling apart. Caught in the quicksand of unwholesome emotions caused by an overthinking mind and the inability to let go, she needed to find a way out of obsessive, circular thinking patterns in order to find inner peace and the courage to move on. As Spirit revealed, she is at the cusp of a major spiritual transformation in her life, which will illuminate her life with peace, joy and success if only she would learn to love herself, quieten her mind and connect with her inner divine.


During my meditation for her, I was shown a beautiful pattern of coloured shapes – the prominent shape being the octahedron – followed by a sphere of colours, and I was given the word ‘kaleidoscope’. I was also shown the shape of a footprint on a white wall, that was being coloured by someone, with two red butterflies hovering nearby. This vision then changed into a footprint in the sand, with ocean waves about to wash over it. I later understood this to be indicative of her ‘spiritual footprint’.


The kaleidoscope can be likened to life in many different ways. However, the main message that it delivers to my client is related to choice and free will. The shifting patterns of a kaleidoscope epitomizes the ever-changing landscape of our lives, our constantly shifting inner and outer realities that are as complex as the intricate patterns created by the kaleidoscope. Every time we shake a kaleidoscope, it destroys the beautiful pattern that existed before, only to create another new and exquisite pattern, illustrating the beauty of transformation. However, it is necessary to hold the kaleidoscope to the light in order to witness this beauty. Likewise, when we are faced with challenges in life and things fall apart, it is possible for us to put back the pieces together to create a fresh and brighter reality, if we make the choice – and take the initiative – to look within ourselves for the divine, which holds strength, courage and wisdom. It is a choice we make to see the glass as half full or half empty. It is a perspective. The kaleidoscope also reminds us that although life is constantly changing and is unpredictable, with its eternally alternating moments of pain and pleasure, it is also beautiful and provides a continuous source of inspiration. But in order to witness it, we need to take the time to step back and reflect on all the blessings life has bestowed on us – even if it is just the breath that sustains our life – with deep gratitude.


At the heart of the kaleidoscope is the ‘object chamber’, which contains the objects that create the myriad patterns, while the three rectangular mirrors placed at 60 degrees in relation to each other to form an equilateral triangle create the intricate mandala design by reflecting these objects. Metaphorically, this denotes our ‘mind’s eye’, or our thoughts, which contain the ‘material’ that create our realities, which, like the mirrors, are reflected in our emotions, which consequently are reflected in our words and actions, which ultimately reflect our reality. Once again, the choice is ours as to what ‘material’ we fill our ‘object chamber’, or ‘mind’s eye’ with, and thereby, which reality we embrace.


This Suwa Mandala depicts the kaleidoscope of my client’s life and at its centre is her spiritual footprint about to be washed over by an ocean wave, implying impermanence (much like the ever-changing kaleidoscope). A spiritual footprint symbolizes our frequency, or the energy we emit to the world, with our thoughts, emotions, words and actions. Given that our thoughts are the source of everything else such as emotions, it is important that we be mindful of the energy we create through the thousands of thoughts we generate every hour. In short, we can use our minds/thoughts to sink into our shadows and suffer, or we can use it to free ourselves and bask in the light of love, peace, joy and connection. It is our choice.


This Suwa Mandala invites my client to go deep within herself for greater self-understanding, healing and self-love, make that all important choice to change her perspective about life and her relationships, recognize and extend gratitude for all the beauty and blessings in her life that already exist, and choose a powerful, harmonious spiritual footprint that heals herself, those around her and the world across time and space. As she holds up her kaleidoscope to the light, she will see her spiritual footprint reflected in the mirrors.


In terms of Light Language that is incorporated, the octahedron is the shape of manifestation, as it draws energy from the ethers (spirit) and grounds it on earth (matter), and vice versa, with creation (manifestation) at the centre. The spheres and the pyramids create possibilities, integrate and cultivate while balancing the feminine and masculine energies. Eternal mobius is the shape of magic and the continuous flow of energy, also denoting the endless cycle of creation and destruction / birth and rebirth, whether be of moments, situations or life forms, or the experience of pain and pleasure. While this connects beautifully with the message of the kaleidoscope, it is also intended to keep the energies of healing, self-love and peace in particular flowing continuously in the life of my client. The colours green, blue, turquoise, peach and pink attract the energies of healing, peace, relaxion, flow, self-worth and self-love in to her life, while brown would help her to step out of her overcrowded head space and ground herself with earth energies. The two butterflies, symbolizing metamorphosis and transformation as well as duality and choice, have taken the colours of the rainbow, to denote the importance of balancing the chackras as well as the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine within – essential for raising her vibrational frequencies to be embedded in her spiritual footprint.


(Note: Inspiration for the symbolism of the kaleidoscope and spiritual footprint was drawn from articles written by Katie Harling-Lee, Ken Makovsky, Scott McPherson and The Mindful Word).


  • Each Suwa Mandala artwork is copyrighted by Chathuri Jayasooriya and may not be sold, redistributed or given away except for the ‘standard permitted use’ as follows. All credit for the designs must be attributed to Chathuri Jayasooriya as appropriate. If you’re not sure about appropriate use, please get in touch with me at

    Permitted standard use: you may use the Suwa Mandala art (those available in print form ONLY) for yourself or your family and friends, for non-commercial purposes including the creation of prints, cards, books, albums, or other printed/physical products.

    Standard license prohibitions: you may NOT resell, redistribute or share the Suwa Mandala artin whole or in part for any commercial purpose; claim these art as your own; or sell them in digital or printed forms on any online store (including but not limited to Etsy, Ebay or general online stores).

    Chathuri Jayasooriya of Suwa Mandala remains the sole, exclusive owner and holder of the copyright for the Suwa Mandala artwork.

    Thank you!

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