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This Suwa Mandala was done for a young client who is a very sensitive introvert in search of direction in life as well as meaningful, harmonious relationships. Deeply conscious of social inequities and injustices faced especially by women, she is seeking to find her voice and take inspired action to address these issues. She is also suffering from certain reproductive health-related conditions to which there are no medical remedies. Underlying all the different aspects of her life she is trying to improve is a need for more self-love, confidence and courage.


Through the meditations I did for her, I received several symbols, the most significant being the Unicursal Hexagram which I saw both vertically and horizontally, and the Spirit Animal totem of the snail which I saw moving in opposite directions. I also received several visions of butterflies and sunflowers, denoting transformation, freedom, confidence and success. Furthermore, I was given the number 6, which is the number of love, unity and harmony, and also corelates with the six-pointed Unicursal Hexagram.


The Unicursal Hexagram is a sacred geometrical shape that is considered very powerful and is usually associated with magical practices. The Unicursal Hexagram, unlike the regular hexagram, is drawn using a unicursal motion, or one continuous motion. It is created based on the harmonic code 369369 appearing in the digital compression of the infinitely repeating Fibonacci (PHI) 24 code/’wheel’ (this is a discovery by Jain 108, and you can read further amazing information here). The continuous flow of the harmonic 369369 is reflected through this sacred geometrical shape that can be traced continuously and smoothly, unlike the fragmented conventional hexagram. As Nicola Tesla also stated, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe”. In addition, the perimeter of a Unicursal Hexagram is the harmonic 7.77 units, while it can also be perceived as a Trefoil Knot in 3-dimensions. It conjures the pathway of an electron around its nucleus. Therefore, the Unicursal Hexagon can potentially offer a clue to perceiving atomic structure. For these reasons, the Unicursal Hexagram is considered to be superior to the hexagram represented in the Star of David/Shiva-Shakthi (you can read more about the Sacred Geometry of the hexagon in my blog post on the Sun Medicine). When positioned in opposite angles of horizontal and vertical, the Unicursal Hexagram is said to represent the masculine energy of consciousness and the more receptive higher heart energy of the feminine. The significance of the Unicursal Hexagram includes acknowledging your magical powers that can benefit humanity; staying on a continuous, steady path; a return to a place or point from where you started; and cleansing old codes to imprint them again with higher consciousness (ibid). According to Nina Jay, the Unicursal Hexagram can represent freedom, power, love, a high level of confidence, or achieving one’s biggest goals.


The snail as a Power Animal teaches us many valuable lessons but, in a nutshell, the snail symbolizes slow but steady, focused and strategic progress, resilience and adaptiveness, independence, autonomy and confidence, and overcoming obstacles smoothly with calm, courage, patience and determination. In fact, the snail (especially with the butterfly on its back as depicted in this healing mandala) is a perfect totem for a smooth life journey, a journey towards self-transformation – much like the uninterrupted flow of energy in the Unicursal Hexagram. The snail calls us to stay focused and alert; go with the flow without making haste; learn to trust the process; use time and energy efficiently, in the best possible ways; move, stay or retreat as the situation demands; extend our senses or put up our wards; find a place of comfort and security, what motivates us and our latent intuitive gifts; and be kind to ourselves. The snail is an excellent Power Animal to call for when when life is stagnant or when moving too fast; when needing a tougher skin; when there is a move in the future causing trepidation; and when facing high risks. Interestingly, snails are hermaphrodites, meaning that they have both male and female reproduction capabilities and can switch from one to the other as the situation requires, an attribute that embraces both the Sacred Feminine and Masculine, another quality shared with the Unicursal Hexagram. (Read this detailed article by What is My Spirit Animal for more interesting information about the snail totem).


Quite amazingly, the Spirit Animal totem of the snail turned out to fit perfectly with both the personality and the requirements of my client! Furthermore, in my subsequent sessions with her, it was revealed that she needs to merge or balance the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within her and in her life, and transcend duality to move towards ‘oneness’ (or consciousness/Source energy from which we are all born), as epitomized by the energy of the Unicursal Hexagram. It was Spirit’s call for her to realize that she is a part of the ‘whole’ and that separation is an illusion.


Overall, the message from Spirit for my client as enshrined in this Suwa Mandala is to find harmony in the journey of her life and spiritual evolution, by reconciling / balancing opposite energies, accepting change and diversity with equanimity, and gliding through life like a snail, with patience, resilience, determination and courage.


In terms of the Light Language incorporated, the octahedron and pyramids (camouflaged) denote manifestation, integration and cultivation of the healing and attributes required by my client. The colours of green, turquoise, blue, magenta, pink and yellow have been incorporated for healing, growth, balance, self-love, self-worth/esteem, flow, peace, harmony, confidence, success and happiness. The vibrations of the numbers 3, 6 and 9 have also been added to amplify harmonic energies.


Snail Trail: The Path of Harmony

  • Each Suwa Mandala artwork is copyrighted by Chathuri Jayasooriya and may not be sold, redistributed or given away except for the ‘standard permitted use’ as follows. All credit for the designs must be attributed to Chathuri Jayasooriya as appropriate. If you’re not sure about appropriate use, please get in touch with me at

    Permitted standard use: you may use the Suwa Mandala art (those available in print form ONLY) for yourself or your family and friends, for non-commercial purposes including the creation ofprints, cards, books, albums, or other printed/physical products.

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    Chathuri Jayasooriya of Suwa Mandala remains the sole, exclusive owner and holder of the copyright for the Suwa Mandala artwork.

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