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This is a mandala I created for the collective, based on a message I received from the divine in August 2021 during one meditation on the COVID virus.


The mandala consists of a sunflower representing the Sun God, a honeybee representing all life forms on earth that draws nourishment from the sun, a hexagon, a cube (which is camouflaged within the hexagon), and the Flower of Life (a sacred geometric pattern) at the centre, which create a particular energy field in combination with the colours (please read this blog post for a more extensive explanation of the sacred geometrical shapes and patterns). The dominant colour of yellow is targeted at healing our Solar Plexus Chakra, especially for alleviating fear and anxiety while empowering and uplifting us. The orange represents the co-creation of a new reality, while the green core is indicative of the Heart Chakra healing which is vital in regard to the virus. The blue outer sphere is intended to bring in positive communication, relaxation and peace to the situation.


The core message of the mandala is about the power of the ‘sun medicine’ in providing us with protection and healing in the context of COVID. Our ancestors didn't worship the Sun God without a reason. The sun provides sustainance to our entire planet and its inhabitants, including all of us. We wouldn't exist without the nourishment - or the 'sun medicine' - that we receive through the rays of the sun. This sun medicine has the ability to protect us from the virus as well. We can draw the sun medicine like this honeybee and store it in our cells, which will provide us with a natural antiviral protection. We can draw the sun medicine through the following or any ritual that pays homage to the sun, with a clear intention to receive and be healed through this medicine (it is critical we set the intention):
1. By standing/sitting under the sun physically at sunrise and/or sunset, for 15-20 mnts, daily.
2. By doing sun salutations (if you are doing yoga or even otherwise). Pl
ease follow the guidance of a professional.
3. Through sun gazing. Please follow the guidance of a professional.
4. By 'connecting' with the sun and its light energetically, through intention setting and affirmations, e.g. "I am drawing the sun medicine into my heart, mind, body and soul. I am protected and healed". You can do this several times a day while looking at this mandala.
5. You can also keep this mandala in a place you can see regularly (including as a screen saver) and draw its healing energy into your aura automatically. Alternatively, meditate on it daily. Try to switch off the mental chatter and feel its energy (you might receive intuitive messages yourself).


Further, this mandala invites us to reclaim our power of self-determination and the natural healing powers of our minds and bodies. It calls us to (re)create our own reality of our health and wellbeing, consume information that is of the highest vibration, and not give away our power to external authority or a damaging collective reality.

Do try the above if you are called to, and share with all your loved ones. In any case, I hope this mandala cheers you up!


*Please note that this Suwa Mandala is intended to be a complementary spiritual healing modality, especially for prevention and protection. It is not a substitute for medical intervention where required, although its healing energy will amplify medical and other modes of healing.


Sun Salutation

  • Each Suwa Mandala artwork is copyrighted by Chathuri Jayasooriya and may not be sold, redistributed or given away except for the ‘standard permitted use’ as follows. All credit for the designs must be attributed to Chathuri Jayasooriya as appropriate. If you’re not sure about appropriate use, please get in touch with me at

    Permitted standard use: you may use the Suwa Mandala art for yourself or your family and friends, for non-commercial purposes including the creation of prints, cards, books, albums, or other printed/physical products.

    Standard license prohibitions: you may NOT resell, redistribute or share the Suwa Mandala artwork in whole or in part for any commercial purpose; claim these art as your own; or sell them in digital or printed forms on any online store (including but not limited to Etsy, Ebay or general online stores).

    Chathuri Jayasooriya of Suwa Mandala remains the sole, exclusive owner and holder of the copyright for the Suwa Mandala artwork.

    Thank you!

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