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Family 2 (2015/16)

The second family that was supported comprised of 3 children. Their father has committed suicide in 2006 after which the mother has remarried and relocated to another area, leaving the children behind with their maternal grandmother.

Family 2 (2015/16)

The second family that was supported was also in the Habaraduwa DSD and comprised of 3 children, i.e. 1 girl (16 years) and 2 boys (10 and 8 years). Their father has committed suicide in 2006 after which the mother has remarried and relocated to another area, leaving the children behind with their maternal grandmother (57 years). However, the grandmother did not have a house or a proper source of income, and were entirely dependent on her sons with whom she was staying. Therefore, the children have been placed in residential care (i.e. children’s homes) since 2007, the girl in one and the boys in another. All 3 children were schooling, and the eldest child in particular was performing well in her studies. Nevertheless, the life in the children’s home was affecting the children adversely, sometimes resulting in behavioural issues as well. The children have a close relationship with the grandmother who was eager to take the children back to her.

Therefore, in order for the children to be reunited with their grandmother, a new house was built for them with the financial support of over 20 individual donors, and the house was handed over to the family in July 2016. The grandmother was provided with the start-up capital for self-employment in selling short-eats, based on an assessment of her skills. In addition, legal support was provided in securing the land as they did not have a proper deed, while educational support was also provided for the children. Regular guidance was also provided to the grandmother to ensure the psychosocial wellbeing of the children while managing complex family relationships especially with the children’s mother.

Progress was shown immediately, with the children (2 boys) obtaining over 50 marks for all the subjects in the school examinations in 2016 whereas it was mostly below 10 previously, while the eldest girl decided to sit for A/Ls in 2018. The grandmother could earn a decent income with which she could manage household expenditure. A part of the house was rented to the Grama Niladhari officer of the area, which secured the family with an extra income. As of 2022, the eldest girl has got married and is enjoying a decent family life. One of the boys has become ordained as a monk and is studying well at a pirivena (monastic school for Buddhist monks) while the other young boy is working at a hotel.

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