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Suwa Mandala

As a practicing Buddhist, the Damma, or the teachings of Lord Buddha play a central role in my life, my world view and my practice. Therefore, throughout the journey of my spiritual evolution, I have strived to understand the parallels and intersects between Buddhism and other spiritual teachings and practices, which I then started to bring together in my healing work. What I have learned through this exploration is that at the heart of all spiritual traditions, there is one beautiful teaching that urges us to extend unconditional love and compassion towards all sentient beings, starting from our own selves. They also teach us that we are far more than what can be perceived through our senses, or our limiting ‘ego self’, which we can transcend in order to reach an expansive state of consciousness, that is supreme love, light, bliss and freedom; freedom from the suffering we are creating each moment through our ignorance of the Truth and the amnesia of our Original Self of purity or nothingness. It is premised on these core teachings and my belief in the human potential for self and collective transformation that I have started to weave a tapestry of healing, transformation, awakening and empowerment in the form of Suwa Mandala.  

Each person’s life is like a mandala – a vast, limitless circle. We stand in the centre of our own circle, and everything we see, hear or think forms the mandala of our life.

~ Pema Chodron

What does suha mandala means

What does Suwa Mandala mean?

‘Suwa’ in my native language of Singhalese means ‘healing’. Therefore, Suwa Mandala simply stands for ‘Healing Mandala’.


I recommend that you read my blog post on the “Mystic Magic of the Mandala” to gain an understanding of what mandala is all about and how they work. There I have also given some references for those of you who are interested in exploring the mandala a bit deeper. 

What is the purpose of Suwa Mandala?

The Suwa Mandalas are channelled healing mandalas created to facilitate processes of healing, awakening, transformation and empowerment, at both individual and collective levels. It helps you in:

  • Your self-exploration and journey towards your centre, to discover and embrace different facets of your authentic self. 

  • Bringing more clarity, focus and purpose to your life and relationships. 

  • Healing a particular aspect of yourself, whether it be attracting abundance or learning self-love, improving your health or finding your life purpose(s). 

  • Creating more love, peace, joy and opulence in your family and community. 

  • Bringing in more prosperity to your organization and elevating harmony and peace in your team. 

  • Creating a peaceful and joyful environment at home, workplace or any other space. 

The Suwa Mandala, much like tarot, runes, shamanic drumming or any other divination, contemplative or meditation practice, provides a point of focus for our minds, an altar, a pathway for the unconscious to rise to conscious awareness. It is a tool that will help you develop your own language with Spirit, the divine or your higher self. This tool is also helpful for those with or intending to start a healing practice. 

purpose of suha mandala
benefits of suha mandala

Who can benefit through Suwa Mandala?

Suwa Mandalas can be done for both individuals and collectives (i.e. a couple, a family, a community, a group, an organization, a country or even the whole world), as well as for mother earth (see my shop for examples). 


There is no age limit or any other restrictions, although the methodology would differ slightly for infants/small children and people with disability and/or severe incapacities (e.g. chronic mental illnesses). I believe that anyone can be benefited through this methodology as it works with the energy grid and consciousness of a person or a collective. However, I have not received the opportunity to work with these groups of individuals thus far, although I am more than happy to be of service, if called to. 


Suwa Mandalas are intended to be a portal that would help you kick start or take the next step in your spiritual journey, and hence not an end in itself. It is a deep, long-term process that requires commitment, and therefore, is most suitable for those who are willing to invest time, energy and dedication in their spiritual journey.


Please note that I need the consent of the individual (or her/his guardian) or the group in order to create the mandalas. 


In addition, I do general mandalas for the collective, which anyone can benefit from. Both originals and prints can be purchased here. Some, such as the Sun Salutation mandala, are also offered for free as gifts to the world. 

How are Suwa Mandalas created?

The Suwa Mandalas are created based on energy healing principles, infusing the energies of Reiki and Light Language, and using symbols of Sacred Geometry and mother nature that I channel directly from the divine (a.k.a. God/Goddess, Source, Spirit, universe, universal consciousness, higher self, quantum field, etc.), guided by Archangel Metatron and Mother Gaia. I tap into the energy grids (a.k.a. aura, higher self, consciousness) of the individual or the collective in order to receive the necessary information and messages. This is normally done through meditation, but I usually receive additional messages through dreams, signs and synchronicities. Spirit often gives me a riddle during my meditation, which is to be decoded through a fascinating process I call ‘following the divine breadcrumbs’. These messages are supplemented through tarot as well. The core message, or the essence, is then converted into a mandala form, and energized with healing through Reiki, Light Language, crystal beings and sound healing, further empowered through intention and affirmations


In effect, the Suwa Mandala I create for you is a visual reflection or a snapshot of your own higher self at a given point of time, and therefore, unique to you

How are suha mandala created

What do you receive through the Suwa Mandala process?

  1. Initial consultation – this is a 60 minute complementary consultation call (via Zoom), where I will obtain the required information from you in order to gain an understanding of your requirement(s). During the call I will also explain the entire process in detail and answer any questions that you may have. Further communications will take place via email/WhatsApp for any clarifications required throughout the process.

  2. Reiki distant healing – 2 1-hour Reiki distant healing sessions, one for your overall wellbeing and chakra balancing, and the other focused on your specific requirement. Messages received will be shared during the subsequent online sessions.

  3. Tarot reading – one 1-hour live online tarot and oracle card reading for you on the specific topic agreed for the creation of the mandala. Additional readings can be done separately. 

  4. Light Language grids – a 7-shape grid and a 49-shape grid, the latter focused on the specific topic agreed for the creation of the mandala. I also offer you a free 49-shape service grid for a higher cause of your choice that serves your community or the world at large. An electronic version of the grids will be shared with you with further instructions during subsequent sessions. I would be happy to create additional grids for you and your loved ones separately.

  5. Therapy/coaching session – a therapy session with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Inner Child Matrix (ICM) or a Breakthrough Coaching session with NLP, Hypnosis and Timeline Technology, based on your requirement(s) and preference, conducted online (via Zoom). Additional sessions can be done separately. This may include a Rebirthing and Life Purpose process as well.

  6. The channelled mandala – I create a healing mandala for you to work with, based on the messages received through the above process. I will email you an electronic version of the mandala, while the original version (painted on A3 size art paper) will be couriered to you within 2 weeks afterwards (the time you receive it may vary). Framing can also be done if preferred for an additional cost. 

  7. Online sessions – I share the healing mandala along with a brief including a personalised affirmation, the Light Language grids, as well as the messages I received during the Reiki meditations and other sources, during several 60-90 minute online sessions (via Zoom) which involve psycho-spiritual counselling as well. After guiding you on how to engage with the mandala towards your healing, transformation and empowerment, I will take you through a sacred ceremony to help you connect with the mandala, during the final session. 

How long does the Suwa Mandala process take?

The Suwa Mandala is an elaborate process that requires the investment of time, intention, attention and energy. Hence it is difficult to state a specific time period since requirements differ across individuals and collectives. It also depends on when I receive the messages and which path the divine decides to take me on to find the answers you are seeking. There have been instances where I received messages on a particular theme/quest over a period of 1-2 months. However, on average, it would take a minimum of 2-3 months. Hence, I am able to serve only 3-4 clients a year. 

How will you know if the Suwa Mandala is effective? 

The best answer I can give is that you will know. As vague (and frustrating!) as it may sound to some of you, matters related to spirituality are hard to be tested and validated in a lab and are best ‘known’ by your heart and intuition, something we are all gifted with. Therefore, you will know the effects of the mandala if you keep all your physical and subtle senses as well as your heart and mind open, learn to trust your gut, and observe your inner and outer environments mindfully. You will then definitely start to notice changes within and around you, gradually. 


I would also like to emphasize that the effectiveness of the mandala is heavily reliant on you and the extent to which you engage with it. Mandalas are symbolic, and symbols have many layers. The meanings enclosed in these symbols rise to the surface, revealing itself layer by layer, through continuous and conscious engagement with the mandala over time. Therefore, the more sincerely, consistently and intentionally you engage with the mandala, the more effective it will be. Because it is all energy, and energy needs focused attention to manifest into a material reality. 


 The more concentrated it is, the more power is brought to bear on one point, and that is the secret.

~ Swami Vivekananda

Do you feel called to the Suwa Mandala?

If your soul is being called towards a personalised channelled healing mandala, for yourself or a loved one, please contact me via email or WhatsApp for a FREE 60 minute consultation call.

Please note that no refunds will be made upon cancellations made by the client at any stage during the process. Sessions can be rescheduled as per availability. 

My mandalas were cryptograms concerning the state of the self which was presented to me anew each day… I guarded them like precious pearls….It became increasingly plain to me that the mandala is the centre. It is the exponent of all paths. It is the path to the centre, to individuation.

~ Carl Gustav Jung


It is my pleasure and privilege to offer the Suwa Mandala, not only as a service but more as a collaboration where we discover the hues and shades of spirituality, and evolve together as individuated sparks of Spirit; it is a little gesture of support to another companion in a journey, walking on the same path as myself. I too am learning, discovering and growing with each one of you. Hence this is a healing modality I will continue to refine based on my evolving practice and feedback shared by you all. I invite you to join me in this journey and embrace the mystery, magic and miracles awaiting to be discovered by you, and make your life the rich experience that it is meant to be. 


Contact me if you resonate with what you have found here, and if you feel in your heart that what I am offering can serve you in your journey towards self/collective transformation, awakening, healing and empowerment. 

Medium: English and Sinhala

+94-766-252-569    |

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